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Is it safe to perform repair or replace your roof yourself?

Oct 21

Don't do it

Anyone who is thinking about doing their own roof repairs can benefit from this article. We'd like to begin with this advice: Don't try it until you're fully proficient. If you've not worked as a professional roofing contractor it is likely that you're not knowledgeable enough to perform the task correctly. Additionally, you could injure or even kill yourself.


To be fair, some simple roofing jobs can be done by a non-professional. Even so, significant care must be taken. The majority of roof repairs can be performed by experts.

You won't save a lot of money

Let's get started with the most crucial issue. DIY roofing is often just as costly as a professional one. In other circumstances, it may even be more expensive. What's the reason behind this? Two possible explanations exist.


To begin with roofing contractors are able to obtain shingles, flashing and other roofing materials at a reduced price. The suppliers are usually willing to give them discounts since they're buying large quantities of the product. If you're a smaller-scale purchaser it is likely that you will be paying top-dollar for every item.


Professionals in roof repair york pa are usually aware of cost-saving opportunities. There are a slew of little tricks that a new player is unaware of. Professionals are usually educated in a range of methods, allowing them to select the most cost-effective solution for each roofing system. This experience isn't likely to be yours.

You'll be breaking your warranty

If you purchased a roof in the last couple of years, it's likely to be covered by warranty. If not, you've made a serious error. The warranty on your roof is crucial because it protects a significant investment. What's the issue? Your warranty is likely to be void the moment you hang the first shingle or drive the initial nail.


The majority of roof warranties contain an obligation that states that they will only be covered by work that is performed by properly licensed and certified employees. These terms are invalid and void the moment an unqualified person (like you) performs work on the roof.

What Can Happen If Things Don't Go as Planned:

Roofing is among the most dangerous jobs. Check out this report by an occupational safety organization to understand the dangers. The information here dates from the years 1992-98 and are therefore out of date. However, we have no reason to believe that the roofing industry has become more secure since then.


A total of 50 roofers are killed each year. The majority of these deaths are because of accidents. Because electrical lines and roofs aren't as far apart, some victims die of electrocution.

Small Tasks You Can Perform Yourself:

There are some jobs that you can do on your own. There are some tasks that you can accomplish by yourself. Your warranty will be voided when your work is discovered by your company.


For one reason, cleaning your gutters is an easy part of roof care that a typical homeowner can handle. To access the gutters, you require a ladder that is tall enough. This task can be hazardous if it is not done properly. To keep the ladder stable there should be someone on the ground.

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